Friday, 6 July 2012

Captain Blackadder & Chums in 28mm

I absolutely love these miniatures, they are some of the nicest in my collection.  I seem to be incapable of remembering who makes them but they paint up a treat.  I think that these will be some of my best paintjobs yet once I finish the missing details.


  1. Absolutely superb! I must have some of these! The look on the your Lieutenant's face is just brilliant - very Hugh Laurie.

  2. Why thank you Sir! I eventually remembered that they're from Scarab miniatures, lots of lovely things on that site!

  3. Well, well, well, well, well. If it isn't old Captain Slack Bladder!

    You just need a Flasheart now :)

  4. I used the Artizan Pilot to do my Flasheart
