A few weeks ago in a fit of feeling less poor than I am I purchased a pair of the minefield sets and another machine gun nest to add to my slowly growing scenery collection. They painted up nice and easily and I think that they look alright, I'm steadily growing to love the effect achieved using my Static Grass Applicator.
One thing's for sure, I really can't do freehand signwriting! When I get round to it I will make a decal to improve these signs somewhat.
I dug out the first batch Wargames Factory zombies that I'd painted a fair while back and based them up to match the new ones. Two things are definite, firstly my painting skills have improved since I did the first batch and secondly, the original heads that come from the wargames factory aren't a patch on those from Mantics!
The other day I was trawling around the web instead of actually getting the lead mountain reduced and came across this pack from Warmacre Games. The picture wasn't that promising but I really liked the idea of a patrol dog & handler for my 1938 collection. The pack was down to £2 + £1 delivery so I thought what the heck.
It seems that this is yet another miniature company who isn't showing their products off to the best as it looked a lot better when it arrived than on the website. There was a slight miscast on one of the dog's legs but that only took a few moments with the green stuff to fix; the face and hands are brilliantly sculpted and cast well but the sleeves and front of the tunic are not so good. I might well try some of their other miniatures in the future, especially considering how quick the delivery was!